
A darkly humorous tale of country-pubs, car accidents and the impacts and collisions of finding love. Martin makes his money providing black-market meat to local pubs and restaurants, hunting deer on the Ashdown forest with his 4x4. He is drawn to the enigmatic figure of Robyn, a waitress who has never truly been close to anybody. 

Presented at Lindfield Arts Festival, West Sussex, 15th May 2010. Yellowtale, dir: Robin Belfield. Premiered at the Hawth, Crawley, 4th June 2010. Yellowtale, dir: Robin Belfield. Transferred to Theatre 503, London, 7th June 2010. Yellowtale, dir: Robin Belfield.

Sarah Jane Wolverson as Robyn in Venison. Photo by Robin Belfield.

Sarah Jane Wolverson as Robyn in Venison. Photo by Robin Belfield.